Ep. 07: What will we regret on our deathbeds?

Do you change how you’re living your life today based on the top regrets of those who don’t have much life left?

Do you change how you’re living your life today based on the top regrets of those who don’t have much life left?

In this episode, Abel and Aaron dive deep into facing mortality head-on. They discuss a popular study done by a Nurse who surveyed hundreds of individuals on their deathbeds, and asked them if they regretted anything in life. They share their own personal views and regrets they’ve had in their lives thus far, and debate whether or not there’s validity in changing the way they live their lives based on the “top 5 regrets”.

Amongst other things, they explore the definition of identity and why people don’t run more often.

Links & Shownotes

  1. How to properly listen to the past episodes chronologically:

    1. E1: Identity

    2. E5: Post-Secondary

    3. E4: Social Media Part 1

    4. E2: How much of our lives should we measure

    5. E3: Start Here

    6. E6: Nature vs Nurture

    7. E7: What will we regret on our deathbeds? 

  2. Link to the Medium Article: The Deathbed Fallacy

  3. The Top 5 Regrets on the deathbed per Bronnie Ware’s Book

    1. I wish I had the courage to live a life that was true to myself, not others expectations

    2. I wish I didn’t work so hard

    3. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings more.

    4. I wish I stayed in touch with my friends.

    5. I wish I let myself be happier

  4. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell - Chapter: The Ethnic Theory of Plane Crashes

  5. Abel’s Attempt: Mccaoughnahey - Correct Spelling: McConaughey (I wasn’t too far off…)

  6. McConaughey’s Incredible Speech

  7. Ship of Theseus- Vsauce channel and video (Video is called 'Do Chairs Exist?')

  8. Why are you running?

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Ep. 08: How real is FOMO (The Fear of Missing Out)


Ep. 06: Nature vs. Nurture